Sunday, August 3, 2008


My family asked me to keep a blog so they could 'follow along' as I traveled around the world.
I am writing this dedication nearly 6 months after my trip. It has taken me some time to process all that I experienced and consider all the events and especially the people who made this trip possible.
The one person who kept resurfacing in my mind as the most important, was a man named Erik Schmidt, shown here in this pic above.
I trust the captured moment was one of the best he experienced in his life.
Introducing Erik at the opening to this blog is a fitting tribute.
I didn't know Erik for long. We met in April 2005. Erik had been selected to venture into Thailand to setup our 'offshore development team'. I was a new hire and given the responsibility to oversee the coordination of Thailand and the USA with Erik being the "man on the ground" in Thailand. After completing his initial assigment and returning to the USA, Erik' life was cut short. Tragically, on October 13, Erik left us. It was Yom Kippur. I was born on Yom Kippur in 1950. Just another "connection" between me and Erik.
Erik began our development team in Thailand with 3 associates. There are now 23. And we are expanding into India.
Had it not been for Erik's success, this blog would never have been possible.
My family and I continue to keep in contact with Erik's family. Anytime a Thai associates who knew Erik comes to the USA, we do our best to meet with Erik's family. We do the same for visiting associates who may not have known Erik, but are part of his legacy.
This Blog is dedicated to Erik Schmidt

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