Saturday, March 1, 2008

Rameses Gateway -

Yafo was at one time, an Egyptian settlement. The Israeli Antiquities Authority has uncovered what is called the Ramases Gateway - and is in the process of reconstructing the site. The Arch with heiroglyphs are replicas of the artifacts found at this site. The stone walls seen are the original.

Ramses Port in Yafo

Port of Yafo

Ampitheater - in Yafo

Monument atop the Ampetheater in Yafo.

Depects- Fall of Jerico (top)

Ya'akov's dream (left) -the ladder story

Akedak Yitzchak (right) - binding of Isaac

A view from the monument atop the ampitheater

Yafo - Old City Street Scenes

View of Tel Aviv from Yafo

View of Tel Aviv from Yafo

Port of Yafo

Fishermen at the Port of Yafo.

Yafo - Old City - The Cantor at rest

The Cantor of Yafo
Chatool Chazzan (Cantor Kitty)

Inside St. Peter's Church - Yafo Israel

Main altar

S. American tourist praying at a side altar

St. Peter's Church - Yafo

St. Peter's Church in Yafo

Yafo - Home of Simon the Tanner

A view of Simon the Tanner's home - from the street looking up to the roof.

Home of Simon the Tanner - where it was written Peter has his vision which led to the acceptance of the Gentiles into the new Jewish sect.

Yafo - Where Jonah set sail to meet the Whale

Yafo - One of the oldest ports. Where Jonah set sail to meet the Whale, and where Peter had his vision while resting on the roof of the home of Simon the Taner.

Mediterranean life

A short walk from the Hotel front door, down the ramp and onto the beach for some breakfast.

A view of Yafo from Tel Aviv

Yafo - Jaffa, one of the oldest recorded sea ports.

Seen in the far distance sticking out to the right. This photo taken in the late afternoon looking south from my hotel bacony in Tel Aviv

Frankfurt - not another Airport Photo!

No. Not worth it. But the Airport in Frankfurt has really improved from when I was there in the mid 90's. A long layover in the Executive Lougue, a little coffee, a little sponge cake (for the "Young Frankenstein" movie fans I know). It was not too bad.

Race to Washington

The 1st leg of my journey took me to Washington DC. Seems this time of year a lot of people are racing to Washington. When I first looked to the left I saw this plane and people waving at me. I coudn't believe it. Were they Democrate or Republican? Probably Libertarian considering how close they were. I grabbed my camera from the overhead to take their picture, and suddendly they were at a safe distance.